Policy Advocacy eCourse Starting Assessment

Hello and welcome to the Policy Advocacy e-Courses!
This set of courses was developed by Forest Foundation, Tropenbos International, and Habi Education Lab to support and upskill policy advocates, (like you!) in forest policy lobbying, advocacy work, and forest governance. All these, in the context of landscape governance and working with specific sectors and communities.

We created a simple checklist to assess your familiarity with different aspects of the policy and advocacy work. Answer these items to the best of your knowledge or experience. Know that your answers can guide you to have a much-suited learning experience!

Based on your responses, a set of recommendations will be given to you on which of the 10 self-paced courses you should take. Feel free to consider our recommendations, or go through all the courses, or even just one – ultimately, it’s up to you and your needs and interests as an advocate.

1.I am confident of my knowledge, skills, and the right attitude in order to carry out lobbying and advocacy work well
2.I am knowledgeable about Forest Governance, including policies, current context and efforts in the Philippines.
3.I can apply my knowledge about Forest Governance directly to my work
4.I am knowledgeable about lobbying and advocacy work in the Philippines
5.I can consider myself a competent policy or legislative advocate or lobbyist
6.I am well aware of how legislative policies are made in the Philippines
7.I can effectively conduct work that can support or influence policy work
8.I am knowledgeable of the different methods and activities for gathering and collecting evidences and data for my advocacy work
9.I can competently carry out different methods and activities to effectively and efficiently collect evidence to support my advocacy work.
10.I am familiar with different communication strategies related to my advocacy work
11.I can skillfully choose and carry out the most appropriate and effective communications strategy to suit my needs in my advocacy work
12.I am well aware of the different stakeholders in my line of work and the ways in which I should engage with them
13.I can effectively build and develop relationships with different stakeholders to support my advocacy work
14.I know the different strategies, approaches, and contexts for effectively and responsibly collaborating with indigenous peoples and local communities.
15.I can effectively and responsibly work and collaborate with Indigenous Peoples and local communities
16.I know different strategies and approaches for effectively and responsibly collaborating with women
17.I can effectively and responsibly work and collaborate with women in my advocacy work
18.I know different strategies and approaches for effectively and responsibly collaborating with the youth
19.I can effectively and responsibly work and collaborate with the youth in my advocacy work

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Jovi Bernabe
Jovi is a learning experience designer and architect. Moving into education from architecture, his interests include environmental psychology and the impact of design on learning and user experience, like how chairs, natural light, and electric fans can affect test scores and student performance.